Friday, October 7, 2011

The weather on October 7th is phenomenal in Ciudad Real. Stay!

One of the first thoughts I had when I arrives in Spain is that I should have gotten feather extensions in my hair because I could have started the trend here!

I came back and the spanish words that I already knew sort of just flowed again right out of my mouth, but there's so much less talking and more thinking again. Miquel is with me now and what took a week when I first arrive in Sept. 2010 took a day with native Miquel who has been so helpful with his car and his understanding. I'm so spoiled.

First off, Spanish economy is in a crisis (Not like other places aren't!) and a bit of funding has been cut from schools (of course). That worries me quite a bit because I almost didn't get paid my last month there. But, I have hope. If the money runs out then I will go back to the United States. But I'm looking forward, much more, this year to teaching. I have a more concrete schedule with lots of science classes. I think I will feel motivated to make a difference.

And most of all, I'm not leaving this country until I've kind of mastered the language! I must push myself!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I forgot to tell you all my stories

I have a million tiny stories to share about my daily life here. I have pieces of stories written on scraps of paper so that I can remember to put them here, but for now, because it's nearing the end (WOW, Vaya!) I just wanted to say this: From all that I've learned, I think the most subtle and yet recognizable to me is that it really is sometimes so much sweeter to say nothing. It's not always important to say everything or anything at all. There is something sweet about the silence, the unknown, the lack of clarity in situations that don't even need clarifying. It reminds me of how many times too many words made moments confusing for us already complicated and unsure humans. This entire journey has felt like it's always about words, understanding words, making myself clear, and yet, with so few words life continues and things happen and in the end, I am understood. Contrary to me generally wanting grand explanations and poetry and dramatic paths to solutions that normally never come, this feeling of taking myself back, hushing my heart, having to remain silent while surrounded by all this Spanish is truly refreshing. I think I can say right now that simplicity, tranquility (this word in Spanish is used so often.. tranquilo tranquilo) doesn't mean that nothing is happening or that things aren't being analyzed enough. I like it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

tengo ganas hacer esto

I love seeing this blank space staring at me on my computer screen. (the Locoturio´s computer because of course my internet does not work) I have been thinking of writing an update over the past several days, but have only now taken the time. Last night I went to the Ciudad Real fair. In April and May many cities are famous for their incredible fairs. Although not entirely incredible, going to the fair was something different. There was no ferris wheel, but there were bumper cars and lots of carnival food like hotdogs. There were also about 7 tents with different Spanish music for dancing. It felt very Spanish, and although being there made me feel very American, I enjoy these authentic atmospheres. I enjoy watching the traditional dances, the people singing along to words I don´t know, and being apart of yet another pleasurable activity the Spanish put so much priority on. I get inspired by reading really good articles. I must thank Lauren for leaving the Paste magazines for me. After reading several film and book reviews (from 2010, ha) I had this sense of confidence and clarity about going home this summer. I would like to spend all of my time reading, catching up on documentaries and films, studying Spanish and spending as much time as possible with a list of people I have in my head. These musical reviews and articles also make me wish I had grown up in Memphis or Brooklyn (2 very cool but very opposite American cities) with parents who were exactly alike and exposed me to art when I was born so that it would be inherent in me. I would have surely become an artist or writer. Lastly, the Lilith Fair article, about the 1997-1999 women´s music festival started by Sarah McLachlan, made me think a lot about putting into words something I´ve felt before about my teenage years. It helped put into words for me what trying to be apart of the music scene was like when I was ages 14 to 18 and even more. It was always about the boys. And thát´s exactly it. The girls wanted to be apart of the music scene (like anyone) because it was super cool, dedicated, messy, loud and our parents didn´t understand. And because we wanted the boys? Or we liked the music? But to think about playing an instrument seemed out of the question. Too scared? I think most just too intimidated. There were lots of girl fans at Furnace Fest, but there were never girl artists. That´s something I didn´t think about at the time because it just was like this. I like seeing the music scene change. And I also just got done reading Half the Sky. Rootin´on the girls of this world! Random: I think it´d be great to have one of those movie relationships where you never knew you could end up loving someone so much. The couple is sitting at a park (but they don´t know they´re a couple) and the male says (during the moment of silence), "I think I love you" and without hestitation the female goes, "I´m going to marry you" as if both vomitted the words. I wish my internet worked because, you know, you always want to do the most when you can remember. I want to tell about Christmas vacation more. I have a lot of great stuff from observing people in airports during that travel time. I´m also thinking about how being in Spain and especially with Miquel, has taught me to think more about what I eat and how I´m going to make it. Flo also taught me a tiny bit about cooking when he stayed with me during Carnaval. I mean I have vergüenza when I cut tomatoes in front of Miquel. And "it´s cool" to eat cool stuff, instead of it being a chore. Most people visit Mercadona everyday. Mealtime is the most important. It´s important to eat well, and that´s surely new for me. I´m going to keep this mindset in PC. I´m continually thinking about advice I want to give to my children. It´s like this automatic assumption that what I´ve learned will be advice for my children because I´m doing what I can when really I´d like to tell this to younger, less experienced Jaclyn and do it over again.. I think. Passing on knowledge to our descendants. But I want to tell my girl(s) that first off, outer beauty is way overrated no matter how much doubt you have about that throughout your adolescence. It´s April now, and it just feels like the downslide of my time here this year. After being sick the last part of March and now that I´ve recovered, I have a refreshed sense of purpose for being here. I have so much excitement (rather than dread) about studying and learning Spanish. I am also so thankful for the sunshine and the good people who want to be apart of my life. I´m also very excited about music these days, spending my free time (and with working internet) trying to discover some more goodies. Lastly, let´s enjoy this day! Say, "okay!" when we make some plans, but try really hard to not want to turn the pages of the planner too quickly! ¿de acuerdo?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So as it goes, the adventurer must rest, come to terms with routine, and still find goodness in the very moment that is now. So since Prague, I have not traveled and only saved. Dreary Ciudad Real becomes more dreary, with a long winter I'm not use to. But this week the sun is shining, the prices are still low here, and I walk at most, 30 minutes to any given destination. And I'm in the heart of Spain. I've taken little hikes here and there in Castilla La Mancha, the region of my beloved city, and appreciate the simplicity of this place, the flat land, the glassy lakes, the numerous rivers, narrow, windy roads not bombarded by shopping centers and fast food. I have taken more time to study Spanish. I've gotten to know this place more.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello sunshine

I had planned on copy and pasting what I wrote in my journal of the details of my Christmas break trips. I'll get back to that later. Today I woke up to a gorgeous and freezing day in Ciudad Real. If there's sun the cold doesn't matter. I have been downloading some music. I miss dancing so much. There's really nothing more tranquil and soothing for me than dancing. I have dual desires: I so desperately want to master Spanish to be able to communicate better with the people I'm constantly in contact with. And then I find myself craving American music, English anything, nostalgia for easy understanding. It's like homework in college. I will detail the entire house, organize my g-mail before I will sit down and concentrate on studying.

Despite the new feeling that still exists here, routines form. Mondays replicate past Mondays. Do I find comfort in routine and knowing what the expect? Yes. I will admit that because I'm trying to speak only Spanish, I have found that I use the phrases "I can't wait for.." "I hope" and "I wish" a lot. I feel like I'm living in the now, but perhaps it's inevitable to keep looking forward, in those moments of silence, monotony.. not being able to stop your mind from imaging what's next.

I have decided to reapply to the program for another year. I can request another city, perhaps in the lovely Andalucia, but I fell in love with my school before Christmas. As well, I have made helpful contacts, great friendships, met a boy worth sticking around for, and find that I enjoy a smaller city as opposed to the gigantic Madrid or Barcelona. Plus, I need to keep learning Spanish!

There's more to come.